En la fotografía de la izquierda se muestra al Dr. Luis Pascual Calaforra de la Universidad de Valencia, presentando el cartel con ayuda de una tableta. En la fotografía de abajo se muestran los estados de la República Mexicana que participaron en la 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference INTED 2013, la cual se llevó a cabo del 4 al 6 de marzo en Valencia, España.
El proyecto Ciber-Genética está participando en con el trabajo "ICTs AND GENETICS: SOCIAL NETWORKS IN TEACHING" cuyos autores son: A. Castañeda-Sortibrán, L. León-Rangel, R. Peraza-Vega, J.M. Jasso-Martínez, D.A. Contreras-Peralta, L. Pascual- Calaforra, R. Rodríguez-Arnaiz.
He aquí el resumen :The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have grown enormously in the last few years. At the same time, the application of these technologies in education has showed a remarkable development. The increasing use of social networks by students has made ICTs viable for educative purposes. Since October 2009, we have used the blog “Ciber-Genética” (ciber-genetica.blogspot.mx) to support Genetics classes in Biology Major at Sciences Faculty of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). In 2010, we implemented the use of three different social networks: Facebook (facebook.com/ciber.gentica.unam), Twitter (@cibergenetica) and YouTube (youtube.com/user/CiberGeneticaUNAM) to increase the interest in the area. These services available online provided information about the news and events related to Genetics major Additionally, we have uploaded presentations and videos created by our group. The use of these social networks has been widely accepted by our students and also has allowed greater interaction between students and teachers.
No sólo abre pauta a decir que es muy bueno que ciber-genética y la universidad de Valencia, con nuestro país participen en actividades internacionales, eso es algo para felicitar.
ResponderBorrarEs bueno saber que este tipo de sitios son confiables y que no carecen de importancia, ademas de que son muy utiles para los estudiantes