09 julio 2010

Congreso EDULEARN 2010

Publicado por Nitxin viernes, julio 09, 2010
Del 5 al 7 de julio, se llevó a cabo el "International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies" en donde los autores: A. Castañeda, M. Carballo, L. Michán, R. Rodriguez, presentamos el trabajo "BLOGGING AS A TEACHING TOOL IN GENETICS" a partir de nuestra experiencia en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (MEXICO). He aquí el resumen: Students all over the world have today access to the world wide web and thus many things are competing for their attention. As our students’ world changes, so too must the methods by which we teach and engage our students (Lara T., 2005; García-Manzano A., 2006). In this article, we propose one way that teaching can be significantly enhanced by using one of these web services, the blogs. One of the primary reasons for the rapid adoption of blogs is that they are quick to setup and easy to use, requiring absolutely no programming knowledge or HTML skills (Gallego-Torres A., 2006). Presenting that basic and supplementary content of a course in a blog, the information can be constantly updated in the same way as the materials used in the classroom, and they are available any time in the blog. Thus the documents, notes, presentations, images, videos, and comments in the blog offer the following advantages: This paper describes the potential of a blog as a tool for curriculum innovation in the context of a university course. It describes an experimental implementation of this tool in the subject of Genetics in the Biology major at the Faculty of Sciences, UNAM. The results indicate the contributions of this tool to the improvement of the quality of the teaching-learning process.
IATED PUBLICATIONS: http://www.iated.org/edulearn11/publications
Title: EDULEARN10 Abstracts CD
ISBN: 978-84-613-9385-5
Title: EDULEARN10 Proceedings CD
ISBN: 978-84-613-9386-2

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